Authentic, Fruitful and Lasting
Authentic, Fruitful and Lasting
You’ve heard of “know me, like me, trust me” which is regarded as a process of forming and building relationships and often quoted at networking events?
Following on from that I have personal concept that I use and talk about which I would like to share here.
That is that Relationships need to be Authentic, Fruitful and Lasting (AFL)
Authentic – The relationship needs to be genuine, it needs to be real. At its core foundation there needs to be care for the other person with a mutual respect for the relationship and each other.
Fruitful – This is not meant to sound harsh but there needs to be some gain from the relationship. There needs to be some sort of outcome, some sort of purpose. This may be business, this may educational, this may be emotional- it could be all of those or any combination, but at the end of the day there needs to be some value and more importantly it needs to be beneficial to both parties – like a win/win.
Thirdly, relationships needs to be Lasting, this doesn’t mean lasting forever but the way the relationship is conducted the connection lasts. The relationship can change & often they do change but the connection remains. As in the example if you meet someone after a long time, you’re able to pick up exactly from before and this is because of the lasting bond that was created.
Please take a look at the above Canny Bites video 🙂
p.s also if you get a moment – please view my original video on this topic here: https://youtu.be/pR82aHiyNT4
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