Chest Beaters need not apply

Chest Beaters need not apply

Chest Beaters need not apply by Safaraz Ali

Years may come, and years may go

Time flies or Tempus Fugit as they say,

We cannot stop it or change it!

We can only control- what we can control,

One of which is our time – and what we do with it

Let us have the courage to follow our heart and intuition.

Let us not waste it by living someone else’s life.

Let’s not allow the noise of the opinion of others, drown out our OWN inner voice.

The courage to live a life true to ourselves, not the life others expect of us

The courage to express our feelings.

To believe in ourselves –

To have a sense of wonder –

To stay inspired –

To do things that we enjoy and that we are good at

To stay close to our family and friends

To be able to help others

To love our work

To be able to show gratitude and to celebrate whilst remaining humble at all times 

To face our fears and not to fret about them

To let our heart and intuition be our guide 

Chest Beaters need not apply

Let us not fear the future nor to resist change,

Conquer our “fear of missing out”

Believe the world owes us anything

But accept that we owe it everything

To say “Thank you” more often and mean it!

To understand that opinions don’t define our reality

To appreciate that everyone’s journey is different

To appreciate that things always get better with passing of time

To appreciate that overthinking will always lead to sadness

To appreciate that happiness is found within

Oh…and not forgetting that smiles are contagious 🙂

Chest Beaters need not apply

Let us acknowledge that the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge and the “I know” frame of mind.

To acknowledge that too many people go through life “winning conversations” by complaining, blaming, and making excuses. We can all make excuses and have plentiful reasons for “why not”. It is the “doing” and making things happen that ultimately always matters.

Let us acknowledge that repetition does not transform a falsehood into a truth, it’s a denial, and will ultimately lead us to ruin and tatters.

Let us acknowledge that if we accept ownership, accountability and responsibility then we are winning even when we feel that we are not.

Let us attract and retain the best of people around us, where appreciation and respect is in abundance.


Where there is no ulterior motive or agendas, no wafflers, no wet blankets, no creative critics, no blenders or dwellers, no wannabes nor chest beaters definitely no chest beaters!

Let us acknowledge having the ability to tell the real from the unreal is the ultimate super power.

Lets strive for clarity, lets us seek clarity, let us have clarity.

© Safaraz Ali, December 2017 (An original piece of writing in the process of being captured as video for my personal youtube channel titled: Irony of Life 3: Chest Beaters need not apply).