Nationwide care services
Nationwide Care

Nationwide Care Services Ltd have been “Empowering People To Live Their Lives” by providing personal care and specialist care services in the home since 2005.

Its core focus is to support service users by providing person centred care that is outcome based and provides value for money, delivering quality services that are reliable, flexible and offer choice and control. 

Presently working in the following areas: Birmingham, Sandwell, Wolverhampton, Solihull, Dudley, Derby and Worcester.  Nationwide Care Services deliver over 20,000 hours of care every week and has the aim to grow and consolidate further in the Midlands (both East and West Midlands initially)


Safaraz Ali was first introduced to the health and social care in 1998 when he joined Sandwell Council in a Budget Support role at a time where there was tremendous change in adult social services where there was more commercial procurement taking place and in the early days of personalised budgets implementation. Safaraz often talks about how memorable and inspiring this time was and the respect that he had for his then manager – Harjinder Mangat, a humble and inspiring local commissioner.

Safaraz vividly recalls that this was more or less the beginning of a multi-agency working and collaboration approach that was becoming the norm and the introduction of innovative working such as Hospital Discharge and Hospital Admission Prevention programmes which laid the bedrock for future procurement and commissioning strategies.

Safaraz and Waheed

Safaraz states that he holds all who work in the Social care and caring arena with the utmost respect and high esteem – often it’s not a job or a career, it is their life and a lesson in responsibility and there is relentless optimism. This was a moment when Safaraz was constantly forced to question himself and reflect on his work, his values, and his life. 

Nationwide Care
nationwide carer

Safaraz met with his business partner and friend of over 20 years – Waheed and they have been on the journey together playing to each other’s strengths and have scaled their businesses together. 

Safaraz believes that all their businesses are dependent on people in all aspects and their biggest challenge is always about attracting, retaining and growing the right people and creating great teams of high performers that have the knowledge, skills and behaviours that make a continuous difference. 

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Safaraz states on his LinkedIn account the following:

“oh my goodness…. the care sector that I fell in love with during my time at Sandwell Council has a bad rep and that is heartbreaking. This is despite extra awareness and appreciation during COVID & the fabulous Clap for our Carers campaign. For those looking in & afresh at this – the work is regarded as menial, low paid and even with some positive TV programmes – the latest being Ed Balls and his inside the care crisis programme on BBC , the sector generally is still tarnished with a few high profile despicable cases of abuse and that is just some of the challenges faced by the sector and those who choose to work in the sector in whatever capacity.”

“The demographics are very clear, the need ever growing with more complexity, combined with a culture of ‘better for less’ within an extremely competitive and regulated sector. On top of that the frightening prospect for our society is the lack of people entering into the sector. So why would anyone get involved? Well, to make a difference for social value and impact and of course the intrinsic rewards are just some of the main drivers here – hats off to you all.


As a Homecare business our big challenge is recruiting the right staff, then to train, nurture and continuously support them to stay within our business. Contact us for opportunities in Greater Birmingham & Solihull, Dudley, Wolverhampton, Worcestershire, Derby and Nottingham.”

Nationwide Care Services

What distinguishes Nationwide Care Services as a healthcare specialist?

Our people. We have a highly skilled and empathetic team of caring carers who are able to provide positive support, practical advice and care tailored to the needs of you or your loved ones. Our team of carers provides a service that is reliable, safe and flexible; respecting the privacy, dignity and individuality of those in their care.

Waheed Azam

With the vision of Waheed Azam, Our CEO and our leadership team, I believe we understand that those who need our services have different needs that will change over time. We will work with to determine and then deliver the right care at the right time. We specialise in Immediate Care for situations requiring emergency home care such as falls and accidents.

Chris Walker from Expressive Design, the creative agency that built this website arranged an interview with Safaraz Ali, Chair and Co-Founder of Nationwide Care Services to get him to speak more about his business Nationwide Care Services.

Safaraz, thank you for your time once again, Can we get you to tell us about the company please?

Nationwide Care Services provide specialist healthcare services to individuals in their own homes

We are one of the Midlands largest quality driven care at home providers with a range of services that aim to support our clients to live independently at home whatever their needs. 

Safaraz and waheed 2
Nationwide Care

Can you explain a bit more about the Home Care market please?

The Home care market (also known as domiciliary care) is the ‘front line’ of social care provision.

The sector is highly regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) who, through inspection, assess and grade service levels being delivered by home care agencies. 

Healthcare Heroes

The home care market consists of the commercial home care market, which includes provision by local authorities (15.5% of the market), the NHS (4% of the market), private and voluntary sectors (3%); and the informal care market (78%), which includes care provided by neighbours, friends and relatives on an informal basis, often free of charge.

We do Personal Care, working with our clients providing an individual service allowing you to live independently in your own home.

Live in Care, is a full-time home care service that allows you, or your loved one, to stay at home in familiar and relaxed surroundings with an outstanding level of one to one support.

Complex Care supporting clients with substantial and ongoing healthcare needs to live as independently as possible through maximising their potential. 

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The last stats I recall stated that over near 500,000 people either elderly or people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities or mental health challenges receive home care funded by public authorities who commission over 249 million hours of home care.

The demand for publicly funded home care provision is predicted to increase significantly with demographic changes and the need for extra support and care. It is anticipated that there are always more than 150,000 vacancies for staff at any one time.

Any other proud moments or achievements you wish to discuss Safaraz?

Our team at Nationwide Care Services are very proud to be the preferred partner for the Reablement service at home in Solihull.  Reablement is a short period of rehabilitation which usually takes place in the person’s own home. We provide this service with a specialist team of social care workers and occupational therapists. It is usual that our customers only need reablement for a small amount of time, perhaps two or three weeks, there needs to be clear achievable benefits for them in order to qualify for the service

Finally, any plans for the future that you wish to share?

Home Care business can be one of the most difficult businesses to run, with constant pricing pressures coupled with massive staffing shortages and management issues and therefore balancing finance with operations and growing the business is very difficult in this market. We have consolidated ourselves in the last few years and now operate as group of companies under the banner of Amington Holdings and are now seeking to grow organically but more focussed on are seeking care businesses that need help with growth, or are looking to sell

We follow a strategy of ‘Buy and Build’ ensuring that any business we take on will not be asset stripped, we believe that a business that has taken time to build to a certain point, deserves a chance to grow!  We believe in forming relationships with care business owners, after all this is a sector that we have years of experience and are passionate about, you will always be treated respectfully with professionalism and courtesy.

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