Panel Speaker, Media Appearances and Guest Contributor - Safaraz Ali
Panel Speaker, Media Appearances and Guest Contributor – Safaraz Ali​

Panel Speaker, Media Appearances and Guest Contributor - Safaraz Ali

I have experience of speaking at both regional and national events on topics such as diversity, skills and employability and entrepreneurship. I have spoken and appeared at Skills World Live, AELP autumn conference, Apprenticeships4England, AOC National Conference on Equality Diversity and Inclusion.

I regularly contribute to local radio stations and TV channels and have been featured in The Sunday Times for an article titled: “Licensed to Skill” Why vocational learning is the secret to a happier and more productive workforce. The Birmingham Business Magazine also featured me under the title “The pathway to success” and FE WEEK under the title “The DfE’s blanket Strategy is cloth-eared” where I speak about the government’s strategy to increase BAME participation in further and higher education which ignores important differences between ethnic groups. I write regularly for The Business Influencer Magazine, FE News. I am always open to being approached for podcasts and guest appearances and contributions. I am available to provide informed comment and insight for all media, print, radio, television and digital on specialist topics such as Personal development and lifelong learning, Welfare, and social care. Diversity and inclusion as well as growing and scaling businesses.